Indian eves came up with yet another emphatic performance in the 10th round of the women's section of the 36th Chess Olympiad.
Indian eves cruised to an emphatic 2-1 victory over eighth seeds France in the eighth round of the 36th Chess Olympiad.
Leading Chinese intellectuals and writers have released a petition that suggests twelve ways to deal with the Tibet crisis. The petition, which indicates a major shift in the intellectual scene of China, has appeared on several websites. The petition states, "Chinese voices are being raised in China in response to the way Beijing has handled the protests that began on March 10." The letter is signed by 29 signatories and displays courage on their part.
India had a disappointing finish at the 37th Chess Olympiad in Italy.
India has been ranked in the bottom half among 134 countries in terms of gender equality, in WEF's latest ranking that assessed the distribution of resources and opportunities among males and females.
P Harikrishna and S S Ganguly lost their games as India went down to defending champions Russia in the Chess Olympiad.
Choosing the next Dalai Lama is too profound a tradition to be controlled by the Communists in Beijing.
The Uighurs are China's Turkic Muslims in a volatile region where unrest sits on a keg of cultural alienation.
Take the rediff business quiz and see how much you know about the history of gold
There are two important points about the price correction in gold. The first one is the anti-correlation with the U.S. dollar; certainly that put pressure on gold. The second one, which may be even more important, is that people really seem to believe that the financial system is safe again.
The question is not what you think and said about your participation. The question is how your participation is projected by Beijing to the suppressed Buddhists of Tibet and Uighur Muslims of Xinjiang, who have risen in revolt against what they consider as the Han colonisation of their homelands and what the Dalai Lama has described as a cultural genocide of the Tibetans.
69-year-old Samdhong Rinpoche, who heads the administration of the Tibetan Diaspora, speaks out on the uprising in Lhasa, Chinese rule and India's role.
Is there a well-concealed additional vision of an 'arc of democracy'? That is the nagging question in the Chinese mind. It will nag even more after they have read Dr Singh's positive reaction to the idea of closer co-operation among major democracies
India stands 40th in 'network readiness' in the world, having slipped from the 39th spot it held last year. However, it is above China (50th) and Pakistan (67th) and Sri Lanka (83rd).